Personal Narrative: Hurricane Strike North Carolina

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Every once in awhile a hurricane will strike North Carolina and mostly when a hurricane comes people get scared and lock themselves inside their homes until it is safe again. I was in the same boat, but I knew this was going to be one hurricane that I would never forget. I was about five years old and the younger of my two sisters. The three of us together were hard to handle. My mom worked for the local hospital and got stuck at work the night Hurricane Bonnie decided to knock at our door. Imagine that. So we had to call in back up. Well really just our neighbors, that happened to be my mom’s sister. She was all of a buck fifteen not counting her hair, that was a whole new story. At the time it was hip to have your hair nearly as tall as yourself. That was aunt Faye’s best feature though, because it sure wasn’t the bright red lipstick that she reapplied…show more content…
To say the least, my house was a zoo. After awhile we settled down and got into bed. Little did we know, sleep was not in the agenda for the night. Rain and hail were beating up against the windows and it sounded like the wind was going to take us hostage. My room was the biggest and had the least windows so that’s where everyone pilled up. We tried counting sheep, didn’t work. We tried telling bedtime stories, didn’t work. None of that could outdo the sounds this hurricane was creating. Us kids found it somewhat entertaining, but Aunt Faye was scared to death. You could see it in her hair, wait I mean eyes. Hours had passed and the storm had finally came to a calm stop. We got a call from mom saying she was getting to leave work and heading home. I think that call was the highlight of Aunt Faye’s night, and mine too. Mom got home and Aunt Faye gathered her belongings and kids and headed back across the street. Mom tucked me and my sisters in her bed and we finally got some shut

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