Personal Narrative Essay On The Diversion Program

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When I got arrested for transporting alcohol as a minor I did not think it was going to be anything to really be worried about; but that was until I went to court. When I got to court, I had to speak to the prosecuting attorney where I was given me the choice of paying a $500 fine and lose my license or take the diversion program for 6 months. I obviously took the diversion program plea bargain. I knew it would be cheaper to do the diversion instead of paying that fine and also losing my license would have been a huge hardship. After a while of going to diversion it became habit. I actually enjoyed going to meet with Dawn to talk about things that were going on in my life. I met with her every two weeks until I told her my situation with driving back and forth from Portland to Brentwood. It was really hard financially to do that. I was so relieved when she told me I could come every three weeks.…show more content…
It was also nice that if I told her something, she would give me her opinion of what I was talking about. I knew I could trust you with anything I said as long as it didn’t jeopardize my safety or someone else’s. I found it really easy to talk to her. During the diversion program Dawn had asked me if I could take a drug test and I told her that I was around people that were partaking in smoking marijuana and that it might show up on the test. She was very understanding and she gave me some good advice. I learned then that if I was around people who were doing that kind of stuff to ask them to not do it around me or to just not be around it. I knew it was the right thing to do, so I made it a point to not be around it and it was for the best. I still hang out with my friends but they had enough courtesy to not do it around

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