Personal Hygiene Essay

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Essay Personal Hygiene An overview of some of the most common preventable health problems illustrates the role of personal hygiene Mouth: Despite spending $1.5 billion on oral hygiene products each year, 98 percent of Americans have cavities or tooth decay. The combination of bacteria in the mouth, sugar in the diet, and susceptible teeth leads to decay, cavities, gum disease, and sometimes even the loss of teeth. These risks can be addressed by eating a variety of foods, limiting sugary foods, brushing and flossing regularly, and having regular dental checkups. Eyes: Even people with normal vision need eye examinations to screen for disease, infection, and changes in vision. Protecting the eyes is a matter of following common sense measures such as guarding against poking the eyes or rubbing against them with dirty clothing, tissues, or fingers. It will also help to avoid exposure to strong light and avoid eyestrain. Ears: Avoid poking at the inside of the ears. Have regular hearing tests and ear examinations to check for hearing loss or other disorders and illnesses. Skin: Remove dirt, prevent odor, and make sure rough skin is moisturized. Breaks in the skin should be washed and bandaged. Pigment changes are usually not harmful, but too much sun can lead to skin cancer. A doctor should be consulted if there is a change in a wart or mole. Almost every teenager experiences some acne, and persistent cases can be treated by a family doctor or dermatologist. In cases of parasites such as head lice, body lice, and scabies, bedding and clothing must be treated in addition to the skin. The hair is part of the skin and it responds to good diet, exercise, good health habits, and regular shampooing. Genitourinary: Conscientious patients can reduce the risk of cancer by performing the breast self-examination (women) and testicular self exam (men) at home and reporting

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