Perceptual Walk Essay

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Perceptual Walk While walking down the road I observed many bikes roaring past me. That reminded me of a computer game called ‘road rash’ which I used to play when I was a child. The posture of the bikers and the kind of bikes they were riding were similar to the one that I used to see in the game. I felt as if they were racing with each other because every single biker was running with the same pace. Further down the road I started observing the vehicles, the cars and the trucks. Instantly I started comparing them with those in Dubai. I observed the drastic difference in the lifestyle and the way the people project their prosperity and wealth. The cars in Dubai were lavish and bigger as compared to the ones in Singapore. Even when the Gross Domestic Product of the two places is almost the same, I felt people in Dubai were more extravagant. Soon after, I walked pass the McDonald and the thought that it doesn’t offer vegetarian meals popped up in my mind. This made me recall my visit to the Unites States where I observed a similar situation. I remembered my vegetarian colleagues there who had a tough time in managing their everyday meal. At the same time I starting thinking of the time that I am going to have in Singapore as I am a diehard foodie and I had heard that Singapore is a paradise for foodies. Further I climbed the foot bridge and recalled a similar one that is under construction near my home in New Mumbai. I started thinking about the recent development in the infrastructure in my city. I thought about the talks with my mother where she used to describe the new developments around our house. I also recalled the excitement in her voice during those talks and the way it used to put a smile on my face. The walk gave me a good insight on my thoughts and I also realised how one thought leads to
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