People's Behaviour Is Largely Determined by Forces Not of Their Own Making.

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Behaviour is a plethora of complex set of rules and guidelines shaping our physical, emotional, spiritual and moral self, which have been imbibed in us by a myriad of factors that define a person and one’s traits. Forces from within and around us mould our characteristics, the way we grow and respond to situations. However, the extent to which these forces affect our behaviour varies, and no doubt, external forces playing a dominating part throughout the journey of our lives. This journey of a human being starts with being a child, when our decisions and our actions are largely influenced and governed by imitating our mother. As the child grows up, it responds according to its surroundings and people around- to whom it is subjected to, crying and expressing itself by a specific set of reactions. When enrolled in an education institution, its behaviour is largely influenced by its teachers, by its fellow mates and the schools disciplinary conduct. And as the tortuous journey of life is undertaken, its each and every step is largely affected by the events occurring around him. A man is like a stringed puppet, held together by the strings of social, personal and external stimulus-his behaviour shaped by the tension of the strings. It is this reason why lovers behave according to their partner’s emotions, politicians behave in response to the people’s need, writers behave in accordance with contemporary issues and revolutionists behave in response to pressing problems. In every sphere, be it politics or office, a man is always guided and eyed upon by a higher authority, often sacrificing his personal behaviour at the cost bigger needs. It is the hierarchy of power and authority that supersedes our own needs and moulds our behaviour. But this extends not only to our physical world, but to the extent how people have made other people submissive by hinting at the
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