Bronfenbrenner Analysis

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Bronfenbrenner Analysis May 8, 2010 The Ecological theory was developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. Bronfenbrenner identified the systems that models human development in the society. These include the micro system, meso system, exosystem, Macro system and chronosystem. The ecological theory “centers on the relationship between the developing individual and the changing environmental systems”. (Thomas L. Crandell, 2009) Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory has many systems within the environment that interact with each other and shapes an individual’s development. The most basic of these systems is the Microsystem. The Microsystem is the innermost environmental layer. The micro system is the Layer closest to the child. This includes family, childcare, neighbourhood and school life. People within an individual’s micro system have direct contact and shape that individual’s development. It would include things that a child may encounter on a daily basis in an immediate surrounding. However, this system becomes complex as the child grows because, peers, school, and other people outside of the immediate family come into the picture as he/she grows. Moreover, a child’s biological and socially influenced characteristics like habits, temperaments, physical characteristics and capabilities influence the child’s behavior as well as those people who are around the child. At this level a child’s relationships have impact in two directions. Both impact on the child from relationships and impact on relationships as a result of the child’s behavior. For Example: A child who has a difficult temperament may cause friction between parents and also with other peers and teachers. It is important that the child has a sound and functional microsystem. I hope all you parents understand the magnitude of this system! The Mesosystem is the relationship

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