PTSD In The Military

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University of Maryland University College Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Military Spouse Perspective 3 March 2013 Suddenly, a car backfires and before you can even complete the involuntary reflex action of turning toward the sound, you are pushed on the ground and your husband is on top of you. It takes a minute or two but your brain reengages and you realize what happened. The noise triggered a memory flashback for your husband. He reacted as he would in combat. People begin to point and stare, but it does not faze you, you talk to him softly, letting him know what happened and where he is until the flashback fades and he is able to focus on the here and now. PTSD effects Families not just…show more content…
PTSD is diagnosed by a mental health professional only after the veteran has displayed PTSD symptoms for longer than one month and the symptoms are effecting or interfering with the veteran’s daily life. Most soldiers who disclose feelings of PTSD are glad they did so, but nearly half perceived at least one negative response from a doctor or health care provider they told (Leibowitz, et. al., 2008). Ergo, it is not always easy for a veteran to accept PTSD treatment so be prepared to encourage by letting him know that scientist are continually working on developing and improving ways to cope with PTSD. In 2010, research suggests that therapy administered within a certain time frame after the traumatic event may enhance recovery (Mofils, Raio, Johnson, LeDoux & Phelps, 2010 Jan 7,463(7277)). This research and other studies provide hope that our new understanding of fear extinction can be applied to the development of new behavioral therapies to promote more rapid recovery among those suffering from…show more content…
If you become overwhelmed or severely stressed please confide in a friend, the Chaplin, or a medical health professional. Realizing that your children may not understand your spouse reactions or behavior attending family therapy is a must; this will provide a productive forum for the entire family to openly discuss any issues, fears, or emotions. It will also provide the family with an opportunity to ask the therapist for information about the PTSD and hopefully the therapist will answer in such a way that every member of the family can understand. Helping you’re spouse cope with the symptoms also requires that you continue to treat your spouse with the love and the respect he deserves (as a veteran willing fighting for his country) throughout the duration. Even if your family dynamics change avoid being judgmental, keep a positive attitude towards the coping strategies he learns in psychotherapy. In the event of a flashback or outburst remain calm and speak softly, and most importantly encourage and remind your spouse to take the medication (if prescribed) as directed. These and other good supportive strategies can be found at real warriors, real battles, real strength website

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