When the scale is used it can trigger the appropriate interventions before a pressure ulcer forms or gets worse, for example the CNA can pass on to other care team members if this pressure ulcer was prior to admission or formed during the patients hospital stay (Fosco, 2012). Educating all first line care team staff members of the Braden Scale is important because care team members can communicate with each other and initiate the appropriate interventions to help avoid pressure ulcers or any further damage to the patient (Stotts & Gunningberg, 2007). Some possible examples of
Clearing up bodily fluids after an accident from floor with achti chlor so that any harmful bacteria is killed. ac[1.3] describe how to complete an incident report form – If an incident has happened or if you notice there is risk of an incident occuring you need to fill in an incident form. These are located at the nurses station. It contains all the information needed to help resolve any risk and audited to stop the same risk from re-recurring. An incident form is split into different sections these are:- 1a Patient or staff details, this is the person affected by the incident and will contain their name, address, date of birth and if staff job title and division.
Unit 3 P2 – Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence health and social care settings. M1 – describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of the individuals in a health and social care setting. Legislation, policy or procedure | Outline the main points of each legislation, policy or procedure and explain how these things influence practice in health and social care settings | Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in a health or social care setting | COSHH 2002Control of substances hazardous to health. This legislation is put in place to safeguard people from hazardous substances and minimising the risk of people becoming wounded. | The COSHH regulation has influence health and social care settings because they now ensure that risk assessments are carried out so that hazardous substances are noticed quicker to minimise the risk of people becoming wounded.
Contribute to raising awareness of health Task 1 1.1 Reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues: Raising awareness of health issues increases the chance of issues being detected in the early stages, it educates people about the issues, how to diagnose them and how to treat them, and the healthier people are the less likely they are to have health issues. 1.2 The roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues: Community nurses and doctors will promote awareness of illness and lifestyle choices that may affect your health, the government and local councils will have policy’s and legislation about what must be done about health care. Be up to date on infection control and cross
Although this could be interpretated as one end of the sexuality spectrum, the physical act of sexual intercourse could be interpretated as the other. Therefore, nurses have a responsibility to help and advise people to achieve as high a level of sexual well being at both ends of the spectrum (Rafferty 1995). As a urethral catheterisation procedure involves the genitalia, it is reasonable to assume that issues of sexuality are potentially raised for the patient as part of holistic patient care. However, there is possibility that this might be passed over (Webb
Page 3 Quality patient care can be advanced throughout the hospital by providing nurses with data such as the number of incidence of pressure ulcers and ways to prevent this from occurring, by providing education on restraints and when and when not to use them and how to use them correctly. Examining data outcomes can improve the quality of care by exploring the improvements that have been made through implemented changes. All in all, good patient care is common sense. Listen to the patient when they talk, they will tell you everything that they know, it is up to you to fill in the blanks. Look on the internet after your admit and research a person’s culture, it can prevent problems and embarrassment later as well as keeping the patient comfortable and safe.
Contribute to raising awareness of health Task 1 1.1 Reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues: Raising awareness of health issues increases the chance of issues being detected in the early stages, it educates people about the issues, how to diagnose them and how to treat them, and the healthier people are the less likely they are to have health issues. 1.2 The roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues: Community nurses and doctors will promote awareness of illness and lifestyle choices that may affect your health, the government and local councils will have policy’s and legislation about what must be done about health care. Be up to date on infection control and cross contamination procedures. 1.3 Factors to consider when planning awareness raising activities: As a care worker we should know that raising awareness activities need to be creative. Campaigns are competing for mental space of an audience that is bombarded with many other ideas and messages.
Regina Haney Speech 101 Instructor Maggie Woods 27 OCT 2010 Persuasive Speech Destination Vaccination: Specific purpose: To inform my audience of why vaccinating is necessary for all people young, old and in between. Central idea: Vaccinations are vital to all people. Adults need to make sure that children are safe from preventable diseases by making sure that all children are inoculated as scheduled by their physicians. Introduction I. Gain Attention: A personal story about my mother having Diphtheria and Pertussis.
All of these places will be seen by the public and will hopefully have an impact on people’s hand hygiene. By having these notices, this is a way of communicating with people. According to the NMC code (2008), nurses must be able to, address communication in diversity, and be able to use a range of communication methods with patients and respect and protect confidential information. Effective communication is a two way process, sending the right message and also listening to what is being said (Ingram 2009). This comes into place
Some STDs have been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Pregnant women’s can spread STDs to their babies. Many people may not have symptoms of an STDs but are still able to spread an infection. STD testing can help find problems early on so that treatment can begin if needed. It is important to practice safe sex with all partners, especially if you or they have high-risk sexual behaviors.