The reasons as to why children may need to be looked after are varied. Their parents might be severely unwell or unable to cope with the child, the child may return back to their family home at sometime in the future if this situation were to change. Meanwhile they may spend time with foster parents or in children’s homes. The length of the time they spend in this situation will vary according to the circumstances. Family breakdown happens for a wider range of reasons; this can include bereavement, parental illness, incapacity, mental health problems or even substance abuse.
Housing plays a big part in a parents life with a young child because they need to think about what kind of house they are going to have, big or small, two levels or one level and whether they are going to live near extended family and friends( help look after the children if parents need to go to work), near the local school, transport and parks for the children to play in. If the parents are stay home mums they might like to consider a mothers group that may be around their area so that they don't have
Health and Social Care settings: Health and Social care settings are environments where care is delivered to people such as the elderly, the youth and those with disabilities. Examples of such settings include: Residential Care A residential care provides a safe environment for children in a local area. Residential homes are often used by children who can’t live with their parents. This may be due to their parents not being able to financially look after a child or, if the child is thought to be at risk of harm when living with their parents. Residential care homes may are not always a permanent fixture for young people but rather staff will either try and reunite service users with their families if and when it is acceptable or to look at foster/adoption opportunities on behalf of the individual.
Some individuals, such as those with developmental disabilities, may not be given the same opportunities as typical individuals. Due to this variation these individuals require services and programs to help them learn necessary life skills. These services and programs provide an individual with developmental disabilities the necessary competencies to acquire secure attachments with their caregivers and maintain relationships throughout life. Research on Attachment Theory Through current research, attachment theory has been determined to be a detrimental part of an individuals’ life experiences and how one develops over time in regards to relationships (Kurth, 2013, p.16). This attachment is generally composed of an affectional bond between a parent and child (Austrian, 2008, p.365).
If the au pair is sick they will not be able to watch the children and you need to find alternate daycare for that day and possibly another. This happens on usually short notice, how will you cover for this? If the au pair gets homesick and wants to leave you are without a care giver for your children. How do you quickly find another suitable child care provider? How will the au pair interact with your children?
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guidance for organisations, and the duties they have to safeguard children and young people. 1.2: Usually parents and carers have the primary responsibility for safeguarding their children, in some circumstances however
Possible reasons for this may be due to both parents of the child working, divorce or, considering the worst case scenario, the result of neglect or abuse within the family unit. Although there are many aspects of care that go into raising a healthy child, the attachment that a child develops with his mother or sole caregiver is critical in his or her development. Attachment is what happens
Most clients who see Children’s Service Workers because of child welfare problems have been referred or in some way are required to obtain services. They are referred to as involuntary clients in the sense that someone else has determined that the client is in need of intervention by a social agency. In actual practice, the Children’s Service Worker assesses a family's situation and sets intervention goals based on that assessment. It is neccessary that the social worker be aware of the problems that come as a result of working with a client who did not consciously choose to be "helped" and in setting forth goals that may go beyond the client's wishes. Children service workers must be directive and take much caution not to threaten, devalue or apologize.
How long are you going to work and whom will you have watch your child. As a parent, you need to feel comfortable with whom is taking care of your child. There are home-based daycares and center-based daycares available for you drop your children off at for care. When choosing which childcare option you want, you need to look at the health and safety guidelines each one wants to follow. When using a family home-based childcare it is necessary to be aware that the safety guidelines are more lenient than a center-based childcare.
The nanny’s job is to take care of the employers’ children while they are busy with their work. However, the amount of time that the children spend with the nannies can affect their behavior and emotions. In some cases, kids will grow an attachment to them, and most of the results are bad. The nannie could quit or get fired and she has to leave, therefore the child will get upset and misbehave so that the parents comes back. Childhood is a time for a kid to learn and understand the world.