Interviewing Resistant Clients

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A great number of social workers began their careers in Child Welfare Services. In this area of social work the client concentration is children and families. Although social workers are in place to help, the ability to help is often hindered by resistance from the client. Interviewing resistant families can be a huge challenge and involves very close attention by the social worker. Most clients who see Children’s Service Workers because of child welfare problems have been referred or in some way are required to obtain services. They are referred to as involuntary clients in the sense that someone else has determined that the client is in need of intervention by a social agency. In actual practice, the Children’s Service Worker assesses a family's situation and sets intervention goals based on that assessment. It is neccessary that the social worker be aware of the problems that come as a result of working with a client who did not consciously choose to be "helped" and in setting forth goals that may go beyond the client's wishes. Children service workers must be directive and take much caution not to threaten, devalue or apologize. Children’s Service Workers have to know certain techniques to effectively work with clients that are threatening and sometimes hostile. It is very important to seek and gain knowledge of various ways to reduce resistance to treatment and to prevent the potential for violence in the casework interview. When working in child welfare the majority of clients a social worker deals with are involuntary and resistant. Social workers must try to think like the client and understand general thoughts behind the client’s resistive behavior. The adult client’s resistance may result from fear of unfamiliar, apprehensiveness about what is involved in the changes that might be made, their inability to make better decisions and change
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