Outline and Evaluate One Biological Explanation of Ocd

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One biological explanation for OCD is that it can be inherited. Genetic factors may cause the ‘worry circuit’ in the brain to function abnormally. This circuit consists of the caudate nucleus which normally suppresses signals from the orbital frontal cortex (OFC). The OFC send signals to the thalamus about things that potentially pose a threat. If the caudate nucleus is damaged it fails to suppress the signals from the OFC allowing the thalamus to become hyperactive. Additional inherited possibilities include lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and higher levels of dopamine. Low levels of serotonin have been implicated in OCD as it has been found that antidepressant drugs which increase serotonin levels are affective in reducing symptoms of OCD. Higher levels of dopamine as suspected as a possible cause for OCD because in animals higher levels of dopamine can lead to stereotyped movements that resemble the compulsions found in OCD sufferers. Genetic explanations for OCD are supported by family and twin studies. Nestadt et al found that people with a first degree relative with OCD had a five times greater risk of having OCD at some point in their lives compared to the general population. Billet et al found that Mz twins were twice as likely as Dz twins to develop OCD if their co twin had the disorder. In addition to this some studies have implicated specific genetics as a possible cause for OCD. It was found that a variation of the gene COMT occurred in 50% of male OCD suffered, 10% of female OCD sufferers and 16% of the general population. This suggests that there is a genetic base for OCD in males. Further evidence that OCD has a genetic basis comes from Menzies et al (2007). It was found that OCD patients and their first degree relatives had reduced grey matter in key regions of the brain including the OFC when compared to the general
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