Osteogenesis Imperfecta History

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SCI Osteogenesis Imperfecta History Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) genetic disorder characterized by increased fragility. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a heterogeneous group of inherited conditions arising from a variety of biochemical and morphological collagen defects. According to Tianmont the disease have been originated three thousand years ago and can be traced back to the Egyptians “Through the centuries, we find a dislocated mummy of a child of Ancient Egypt, a young Arab named Satib” (Tainmont) the skeleton is still reserved at the British museum. Nevertheless they discovered a Viking prince known as "Boneless". Over the years series of eponyms have been associated with The Osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome the terms “OI Comgenita” and “OI Tarda” (David Rowe, Jay Shapiro) where introduced by Losser in 1906 to indicated the age of beginning of fractures and to suggest the severity of the disease. The disease is also known as Vrolik's syndrome because the first type symptoms were recorded in 1842 by Professor Willem Vrolik, Professor of Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy and Zoology at the University of Amsterdam. Professor Vrolik described in his Handbook of Pathological Anatomy (1842-1844), and a newborn infant with numerous fractures and hydrocephalus (1844-1849) (Baljet) . According to Baljet Vrolik also mentioned that the infant lived three days and that both the parents were suffering from lues universalis at the time of birth (Baljet). In the more modern history The first Case of Osteogenesis imperfecta is credited to the french philosopher Malebranche in 1674 who reported a subject who “appeared like a man broken on a wheel” (David Rowe, Jay Shapiro). The first detectable clinical description of Osteogenesis imperfecta is presented in 1788 and found in the theses for the degree of Medicine presented by Olof Jakob Ekman chief surgeon for

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