Organized Religion - Robert E. Smith

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Organized religion has idolized it’s founders (and sometimes it’s leaders) in way that makes them untouchable. We are repeatedly told of our imperfections, yet it’s done so often that we are pushed in a never ending cycle of “sinfulness”. In other words, trying to act like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, MLK jr., or anyone else is sometimes viewed negatively in society. What people need to realize is that anyone can do good acts just like these founders and leaders WANTED us to do. So if you keep saying, “Oh i’m a sinner, I’m a sinner.. I need Jesus (or whoever) blah blah blah”, you need to stop. Because continuing in that “sinful” cycle is a benefit to no one. In order to move on in life, one must hold no regrets, but before doing so, at least understand what was causing you to act a certain way. And by being forgiving to yourself and making amends for your wrongdoings, you can easily move on in your life. Religion is simply a road-map for one’s spirituality. Ignoring this single most important point will head a person away from a spiritual life (for those who don’t know: spirituality has NOTHING to do with religion). Spirituality is essentially aiming to improve one’s personal well-being and personal development. So yes it doesn't matter if you’re Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Pagan- all have potential to be spiritual. Why be spiritual? Because if you are, you understand your environment better and improve relations with all life forms. So does going to church to church make you spiritual? Not necessarily. Is there a God/Gods/Deity/Spirit/Energy/Force/etc? The most correct answer is I DON’T KNOW, because no one truly does (by truly i mean no proof). But some people may say, “But look at these miracles! They prove God’s existence!”.... Well, are they really miracles? Or just mere coincidences? And if
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