Comedy And Satire

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Wilson Ayala Mr. Roccanova Comedy & Satire 14 October 2011 Religion the Problem and Solution for Everything “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” This quote by the famous author C. S. Lewis describes exactly how I feel about my religion. My religion helps me see the world clearly and gives everything life meaning. Religion can be split into one of two basic groups, polytheistic religions in which someone worships multiple gods and monotheistic religions in which the follower worships only one single God. Wouldn’t it be nice and easy if that were it, and that’s what religion is all about? Unfortunately it is not that simple because those groups…show more content…
Comparing my religion to a fairy-tale is like insulting my race or intelligence; I am obviously not going to take it very well. I found certain thing about his “documentary” offensive. First of all I do not dislike Bill Maher, so it is only fair that I could have an opinion about his movie. I enjoyed his documentary like movie in which he was set out to question people about their religion. That being said anyone who is religious would feel uncomfortable while watching “Religulous”. The name to me was well thought out but offensive, “Religulous” a portmanteau or blend of the two words, religion and ridiculous. To me the movie should have actually been called “Christian Bashing Featuring Some Other Religions for Split Seconds” by Bill Maher. I wrote down many of his questionable quotes that are almost intelligent. Bill Maher is a smart individual but an agnostic can only promote what they know which means not very much when it comes to religion. Bill Maher said “Rational people, anti-religionists, must end their timidity and come out of the closet and assert themselves. And those who consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion brings you actually comes at a terrible price.” To me having a meaning and a reason to…show more content…
Faith is what truly kills doubt. To have faith is a great thing because it helps us believe in a religion, without it people would not have religions. The foundation for religion is faith, if everything was proven then we would not need religion, but science cannot answer everything. Anyone who is mentally stable and can think for themselves knows that science cannot answer all of life’s questions and it is based on theories that cannot be proven. Bill Maher had the audacity to say “religion is a neurological disorder”. Religion is not a neurological disorder, many lobes and cortexes of the brain are lit up when a disorder is present but there is no magic bullet when it comes to psychology. Psychologists admit that certain parts become more active due to drugs or disorders but the whole brain works a whole, psychology though respected is full of anomalies and most of it is hypotheses. Psychology and neurology are used to make religion seem like a neurological disorder but fail to notice the simple fact that not everything is known about the brain, and even with the new innovations in psychology, not everything will be known. Ice Cream and Marijuana affect similar parts of the brain does that mean ice cream should be illegal or considered a drug, of course not. Saying religion is like a neurological disorder is illogical, preposterous, absurd and rude. How much of this movie is believable
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