Opportunities of Extracurricular Activities in Communicative Competence Formation

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Opportunities of extracurricular activities in communicative competence formation Plan: Introduction 1. Methodological and psychological basis for organization of communicative- oriented extracurricular activities in a foreign language 1.1 Psychological prerequisites of organization of extracurricular activity in a foreign language 1.2 Communicative approach to organization of extracurricular activity in a foreign language and its socio- cultural component 2. Technologies of college students’ communicative competence formation in extracurricular activities in a foreign language 2.1 Aims and objectives of communicative- oriented extracurricular activities and methodological demands to its conduction 2.2 Communicative competence formation by the means of group forms in extracurricular activities in a foreign language 2.3 Mass forms of extracurricular activities and its communicative- cognitive direction 2.4 Experience of communicative competence formation in extracurricular activities in the English language Conclusion List of literature Introduction At the present time foreign language education is considered to be about to teach learners to communicative activities and interpersonal speech communication. Also, with its help students should be joined to the culture of the country depending on the language they learn. Thereby, it is logical to consider the issue of organization of extracurricular activities in a foreign language as an integral component of general system of the means of formation of learners’ personalities, which is capable and eager to take part in dialogues of cultures and independently make progress in foreign language acquisition. Famous methodologists prove in their scientific researches the importance of conduction of communicative- oriented extracurricular activities along with the

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