Online Shopping Essay

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Mohammed Online shopping has spread in the world as a result of the improve of technology. It is found suitable by many people who think it has many benefits. However, there is an argument that online shopping will become more popular than traditional shopping in the future. This essay will describe three key aspects of online shopping and argue that online shopping is becoming more popular than traditional shopping. Focusing on convenience, powerful purchase instrument and customer concerns. Online shopping is more convenience as compared to offline shopping. Life style has changed, and many people do not have the time for shopping in physical shops (Chang, 2007 cited in Davies, 1995). Therefore, Chang (2007) states that online shopping is a convenient solution because it saves time. Moreover, e-shopping has advantages of time and place. Consumers can purchase items from anytime and in anywhere, which save time and travel cost. On the other hand, offline shops have fixed working hours, and consumer has to travel to the shop to purchase which cost him time and travel cost (Chang, 2007). Furthermore, online shopping does not have queues and unhelpful employees as compared with offline shopping (Chang, 2007 cited in Ernst and Young, 2000). A survey found that online purchases have cited convenience as the first reason for online shopping (Chang, 2007 cited in Nielson, 1999). Therefore, online shopping is more convenience than traditional shopping. E-shopping is a powerful instrument for brows, select and purchase products. Chang (2007) points out that Consumers can browse the internet to find an evaluation for a product before buy it, which help the consumers to make the right decision before purchasing. This advantage is not available in offline shopping. Moreover, the writer notes that offline shopping offers wide range of products selections. Consumer can use

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