On Morality Relations; the Ternary Venn Diagram

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Honors Humanities 6 November 2012 On Morality Relations: The Ternary Venn Diagram With the prominent distinction from objectivism and Ayn Rand's plenary societal theories, moral relativism provides the ratiocinative and applicable modus vivendi moral absolutists so lack in their society, despite contemporary skepticism; a promotion of tolerance towards cultures and a tantamount valuation of every individuals ethics, this rational morality was resuscitated in the 19th and 20th century since its prior existence in 5th century Greece. The speculation of universal morals ushered into the moral relativism au courant with contemporary culture, universal motivation may be feasible on the contingent of universal sentiments, yet general justification of morality fails to permeate across vast distances or even through adjacent societies. Moral absolutists seem to have disregarded that morality, the basis of all human actions, is fundamentally a justification of action not a few justified actions that all human societies embody. The former of the two contradicting outlooks exemplifies the ideal justification of an individual’s action in reference to their societies influence and role. Each individuals cultural orientation seemingly impels his or her morals, as each societies morals differ, despite this societies’ morals differ and an individual’s actions in their unique society are a representation of their morals-a display of their motivation-thus every individuals morals delineate their society at least potentially, but their society does not delineate their morals or at least not all of them; disallowing the concept for universal morals across societal boundaries. Only three universal concepts based on morality exist, the existence of societal morals-though not their enactment necessarily; the existence of individual morals, and the existence of societal values-common

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