Obama's Victory Speech

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Obama’s Victory Speech Obama’s Victory Speech is the speech Obama gave after his second election as the president of the untied states. The speech contains many hard words, themes and hints to different varieties of American values. Furthermore the election was a very close race between Romney and Obama. Firstly Obama thanks the American people, for making the country moving forward. He then tells about the losing part in other words, Governor Romney and how they congratulated each other. Moreover he thanks his campaign team and the vice president. Secondly Obama mentions his family members and expresses how big of a support they have been. Obama voices how respectable a country America and how great democracy is. Last but not least Obama mentions different stories from different states and indicates how extraordinary an idea the healthcare reform is. In the section just above the last part Obama states his believes as he says, “I believe “. Finally he praises god and The Untied States of America. In the first section of the speech, its primary focus is the topic of thanking the people an example could be “I want to thank every American”. In the second section of the speech it becomes more about the election and the bright future of America. First of all Obama is the writer. But it is hard to say precisely since political speeches frequently are manipulated with so it sounds perfect. In theory anyone who can read English could read the speech, since it is written in English. Nevertheless the reader is mainly people with interest in politics. Obama refers to a lot of people and things in his speech, for example when he uses “we” instead of “I”. This makes the reader feel like a part of the speech, almost like he is talking directly to the reader. In addition Obama do many times refers to the American people as “you” which gives the reader a feeling that he

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