Non Religious Reasons for Life After Death

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There are six ways in which the evidence that I present here indicates non- religious reasons for life after death. There is psychic evidence, telepathy, psycho-kinesis, spiritualism, near death experiences and remembered lives. Each of these has their own explanation for why life after death may be real. Psychic evidence is concerned with how the power of the mind can apparently transmit and receive thought to and from the dead. Some scientists are “examining the idea that our brain has the ability to not only reflect on past experiences, but also anticipate future experiences.” There is lots of debate over whether psychic powers really do exist and most scientists don’t believe in psychic abilities but according to parapsychologists, these scientists are being "closed-minded", and some psi phenomena including ESP (extra-sensory perception) and psycho kinesis have experimental support. Psychics are a group of people who claim to have an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through ESP. ESP is also sometimes referred to as a sixth sense. However we cannot prove that psychics are real so people could debate whether or not psychics can be a good argument to prove life after death and if ESP is a sixth sense. Telepathy is the apparent ability to "pick up" thoughts of another person without normal communication. There is evidence that telepathy does exist, as a girl called Nandana Unnikrishnan has baffled researchers. According to initial testing, it appears that the young Indian girl has the ability to read her mother’s thoughts and emotions with no physical contact, able to pass ESP tests with flying colours, even going so far as to type out entire poems that have been telepathically communicated to her. Furthermore a sceptical scientist (Dr. Phillip Jones) believes that the case is real. However, there are not many reported cases cases
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