No Name Women

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Evanescent In Maxine Hong Kingston's essay , “No Name Woman”, she states how her aunt chose to live a short life of rebellion to depict an image to the people who surrounded her that she was going to live life the way she wanted to, not the idea people usually had as being, “ethical”, in their culture. The sense of rebellion from the author's aunt was evident through out the essay, who tried to show that she was not going to be held back by any one, or feel as though she was being suppressed of her individualism and freedom. The aunt chose to be rebellious in her ways by choosing to part take in various acts, which were usually frowned upon by anyone who lived in China: the aunt chose to perform the sin of adultery, instead of wearing her hair up she cut it, and she even committed suicide. The author's aunt showed that it was obvious she had no respect for the Chinese culture and her family when she decided to involve herself in one of the worst sins which was adultery. The aunt had been married before but the husband left on a journey to America a day afterward and he never came back,”In 1924 just a few days after our village celebrated seventeen hurry-up weddings- to make sure that every man came home responsibly-... your aunt's new husband sailed for America... it was your Grandfather's last trip.” (Kingston 30). This probably made the aunt start thinking differently and gave her the spark to start the “acts” of rebellion. The aunt seems to become lonely in a sense that she thinks her husband will never come to be in her life again, so that it probably where she falls in love with another man. After her family found out about her sin they made her sit in the “outcast table” because how much she disrespected them. Adultery was greatly frowned upon because the author states, “Adultery is extravagance," which meant adultery was such a great sin that when

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