Pride and Prejudice vs the Pastor's Wife

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PREPARED BY: zaty In the novel “Pride and Prejudice”by Jane Austen, she illustrates the empowerment of women in terms of being independent individuals. Besides, she highlights that women are not simply an accessory to attract men as loveless marriage is not the only key to ‘happiness’ or economic security for them. Conversely, in the movie “The Pastor’s Wife” directed by Norma Baileyexhibits the breakdown of women’s empowerment through the cruel mistreatment towards women in marriage. First, Austen portrays the feminine world through the prominent character of Elizabeth Bennet in the novel “Pride and Prejudice” who chooses to make her own life decisions. She is the second daughter of a country gentleman who risks poverty if she does not find a husband who can provide for her as her father cannot pass on his estate or the house to her. Getting a job and supporting herself is not really an option for a proper young lady at that time. However, as being highly independent and intelligent, Elizabeth opts to make her own marriage decision in looking for love and companionate marriage. Undoubtedly, it is being in opposition to the common reality during the early 19th-century England that women who lack of fortune need to marry ‘well.’ By ‘well,’ it means wealthy. For example, turning down Mr. Collins may demonstrateher as a no-brainer woman among the society at that time. But by rejecting him, this suggests that Elizabeth places her own judgment over social pressures to comfort. In spite of the fact that she has been forced to get married with Mr. Collins by her mother, she persists to her strong position of rejecting his proposal. Plus, although Lady Catherine tries to strong-arm her into rejecting any proposal from Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth gets angry and asks her to get away. Hence, it can be noticed how Austen stresses on the empowerment of women through Elizabeth’s
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