Nick's Story

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A. Which symptoms that Nick has described so far are relevant to the nervous system? Are his symptoms sensory, motor, or both?- The symptoms that he’s described so far that are related to the nervous system are the burning, prickling sensations and pain in his feet, loss of balance, trouble focusing his eyes, and trouble hearing. His symptoms are sensory and motor. B. Do you think the symptoms Nick describes are likely caused by peripheral nerve damage? Could they be caused by damage to the central nervous system? - I do think that the symptoms that Nick describes could likely to be caused by peripheral nerve damage as well as damage to the central nervous system. C. Diabetic neuropathies damage peripheral nerves. Which component of the reflex arc is most likely to be damaged in Nick’s Situation? - The component of the reflex arc that’s likely to be damaged in Nick’s situation is the sensory and maybe the motor neuron. D. Which division of the autonomic nervous system would be affected and would be causing Nick’s GI tract symptoms?- The division of the autonomic nervous system affected, that’s causing Nick’s GI symptoms is the parasympathetic system. E. Nick’s light-headedness is caused by a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, a rapid drop in blood pressure upon standing up. Based on what you have learned so far, how does the autonomic nervous system control blood pressure?- Autonomic reflexes adjust the heart rate, the force of ventricular contraction, and blood vessel diameter (vasoconstriction or vasodilation), which is how blood pressure is controlled. F. After becoming comatose, Nick was sweating profusely, and had rapid heart and respiratory rates and elevated blood pressure. Which area of the brain interacts with the autonomic nervous system during physical stress to initiate these responses? - The

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