Neighbour Rosicky Essay

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Anton Rosicky in “Neighbour Rosicky” One theme present in Willa Cathers short story “Neighbour Rosicky,” is that the poorest man in the world can possess the richest family and heart. Anton Rosicky shows us that life’s journeys can be filled with love, adversity and despair, beauty and tragedy. The first thing that Anton Rosicky shows us is how a good hearted man loves and receives love from his family and community. As an immigrant from Czechoslovakia Rosicky’s travels have taken him to several different countries. At the age of eighteen Rosicky briefly lived in London. Described as a young man of only twenty Rosicky arrives in New York which he thinks to be “the finest, richest, friendliest city in the world “(Cather 9). In his thirties Rosicky settles in Nebraska which greatly improves his station in life as he is the first in his family to own land. Rosicky’s love for his family is shown in the way he treats them. Rosicky’s family is never far from his heart as he exhibits when he purchases “‘the best quality’” (Cather 5) ticking for his wife or sweets for the women in his family. Rosicky is pictured as a gentle man, his wife “admired the way he never under any circumstances raised his voice or spoke roughly” (Cather 7). He wants his family to understand that in them he has everything a poor man could want. Rosicky’s support of his family is apparent as he makes sacrifices to help Rudolph's marriage easier. In a kind gesture he loans the family car and gives some money to Rudolph, even though Rosicky is very poor himself. As a father “he was trying to find what he wanted for his boys” (Cather 19) for Rosicky this means happiness. Rosicky has a fathers worries as he knows that his boys “would never do much more than make a living” (Cather 9) but he fells comfort in knowing that “he wouldn’t have to fear any great unkindness for them” (Cather 19)
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