Negative Thinking Vs Scarcity Mindset

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The whole world population can be divided into two categories based on how people view the world as people with scarcity mindset and those who have abundance mindset. Scarcity mentality is the cause behind all fear based actions whereas abundance mentality is what gives rises to the actions that are based on love. Both type of thinking is actually two sides of the same coin, it is not necessary that you will fall into one category based on your thoughts about one particular area or phase of your life, we all accept one of these mindsets depending on our life situations, but by knowing it you can deliberately get to the right side by changing your attitude towards life. Feelings of lack of love, money, good health, etc. keeps on affecting our…show more content…
Reticular activating system of our brain brings to us the information from our environment that are in accordance our beliefs and thoughts by filtering all the other information. So, it becomes essential for you to build an abundance mindset by doing various personal development works and by increasing your alertness or you will fall into the trap of negative thinking which causes all types of miseries in the world. Before changing your mindset it is essential for you to know the nature of these two mentalities because then only you will be able to know where you are and where you have to go and that's why I will be discussing with you how the two thought systems work. Scarcity Mentality It is the way in which society conditions people's mind that causes their opinions about the world and a lot of it is based on the thought that universe's supply is limited, some also call it as the scarcity programming. This belief system affects all of us in various ways and degrees, a very simple and obvious way to discern how deeply someone is influenced by such thoughts is to identify how much emotionally healthy he is. Now, let’s look how these thoughts blindfolds people from seeing the good in the world: - Limited…show more content…
All these rules were made by people whose thinking was confined by what they have known based on the lives of those who lived earlier. There is no restriction to what you can get or what type of life you want based on your age, you can be like Yuchiro Miura to climb the Mount Everest at the age of 70 or you can sit in your house waiting for death. Hoarding and Spending Money I learned something very important about money in T. Have Eker's the Spiritual Laws of Money program that people who save their money without spending at all and those who spend it excessively are both doing it due a psychological reason. Anyhow this basically is all about the belief that wealth is limited in the world, so those who fear that there may come a time when they will stop having money keep saving it for the rainy day whereas those who believe that if they don't use their money quickly, someone else will have it. Such people also fear investing their money because they are paranoid that money will get away from them to others in one or the other way. Guilt of Becoming

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