Banking or Problem-Posing...You Decide

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Tenenshia D. Harrison T. Eaves English 111-206 05 March 2014 Banking or Problem-Posing… You Decide In the essay “The Banking Concept of Education,” Paulo Freire (2004), compares the ‘banking concept’-which tends to dichotomize everything. Students are only allowed to memorize material, never to question the teacher and never to give their opinions on any given assignment. The teacher lectures and the student absorbs what is given, making the learning process one-sided. It does not allow for dialogue between the teacher and the student, which can lead to the students feeling oppressed-. To that of the ‘problem-posing concept’- which allows for dialogue between the student and teacher. Students can ask questions, voices their opinions, students are allow to become a huge part of the investigation process within the given assignment. The teacher; allows him/herself to become a student as well, learning from the students as well. Freire, talks about how the “banking concept” is more oppressive and one-sided, than that of the “problem-posing concept”. My understanding of this essay is: What make us all human is our ability to think on our own, using our minds to understand our situations, interact with our surroundings, and to make decisions concerning our daily lives. To take away our ability to do any of these, would be forcing us into a state of oppression. “For the more the oppressed can be lead to adapt to that situation, the more easily they can be dominated.” (Freire, 218). Is this truly fair for humanity? Who really wants to be dominated? It is obvious that there are problems within the educational systems and that those issues need to be addressed; You have teachers, who do not care about the students, who will pass the students on just to get rid of them because they feel the student is unteachable, you also have teachers who use the ‘banking concept’ to

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