Negative of Playing Video Game

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Negative effects of video game With the vast improvements in technology the video gaming industry had evolved from simple two dimensional games to realist, fast paced, life like experiences. Along with its growth, there has been an ongoing discussion of whether video games are beneficial or hazardous to children and adolescents. Apparently, there is no doubt that video games are indeed hazardous because they are meaningless times wasters that have a negative impact of the health of children, they are filled with violent content and affect daily life. Even though it is hard for people to refuse the video games’ temptation, people should avoid playing video games. If you want your children to reduce the risk of poor health, then your children should stay away from video games. According to Raymond Father “We are told that childhood obesity is on the rise partly because no one seems to walk to school anymore, and no one seems to run around the neighborhood. Schools in Ontario now mandate 20 minutes of physical activity a day. We used to call that recess. So where are all the kids? Indoors playing video games” (9). Kids, sitting on the couch, addict to play video games, and snacks and soda seems like the best for them in that long gaming time. In addition, kids are lack of exercise or not doing exercise, and they always have been sitting and eating junk food for couple of hours. Those are the main factors of obesity. Moreover, playing video games will make people have a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some diseases. According to Ainsworth, “The lack of movement in children and adolescents’ lives is one of the primary predisposing factors of chronic diseases, except obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes etc. These diseases are most often irreversible due to the continuous sedentary lifestyle that has been adopted by children” (3). In fact, only middle-aged
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