Nazi Methods of Control We Effective with Dealing with Opposition in the Years 1933-45.

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Nazi Methods of Control we effective with Dealing with Opposition in the Years 1933-45. After appointing himself Führer, Hitler introduced many policies and regulations to ensure the Nazis stayed in control. These rules dealt with political opponents, as well as the general public, who all of a sudden, found their private, social and working lives controlled/supervised by Nazi representatives. Seven key structures The Nazi party aimed to control every aspect of people's political, social and working lives in order to ensure a strong hold of power throughout Germany. It maintained control through a mixture of propaganda and intimidation. 1. Government (Political Control) The way Hitler consolidated power in 1933-34 meant that the Nazis had complete control of national and regional government. (Political parties were banned - only the Nazi party is allowed to exist on 14th June 1933.) 2. Religion (Social Control) Hitler believed that religion was a threat to the Nazis' control over people's mind - so he tried different ways to reduce the power of the church over people. In 1933 Hitler signed the Concordat - he promised not to interfere with the Catholic Church - which was guaranteed freedom to worship and run its own youth organisations and schools. In return the Catholic Church agreed to stay out of politics (this instantly made it harder for it to voice the opinions of the religion nationally.) Within a year, Hitler began to break this agreement and attack the Catholic Church. Schools were to remove Christian symbols such as the cross from classrooms (possibly to prevent constant reminders of the faith) - later schools were taken
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