Nazi Consolidation of Power in 1933 Was Primarily Due to the Use of Terror and Violence. How Far Do You Agree?

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Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of terror and violence. How far do you agree? The consolidation of power in 1933 could not have taken place were it not for the underlying threat, and use of terror and violence. However the Nazi party’s policy of legality and the widely perceived threat of communism are also vital in explaining how they were able to not only destroy much of the political opposition but become dominant by the end of 1933. The use of legality generated respect for the Nazi party as their actions were seen as fair. The emergency decree after Reichstag Fire “For the Protection of People and state” on 28th February appealed to the President's power under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, as it allowed him to take any appropriate measure to solve dangers to public safety without the prior consent of the Reichstag. The Enabling Act of March 1933 gave the cabinet the power to pass laws, without consulting the Reichstag, which allowed the government to alter the constitution as it saw fit and granted Hitler as dictator for 4 years. Potsdam day on 21st March 1933 gave Hitler the chance to show the people of Germany how sincere he was to becoming dictator. Hitler bowed deeply in front of Hindenburg and gave a very impressive speech. However Hitler’s intentions were more clearly seen in a piece of legislation introduced in the same day, the Malicious Practices Law, marking the brutality and resilience of the Nazi Party, banned criticism of the regime and its policies. Propaganda was a key tool to help maintain the appearance of legality and to increase Nazi support by playing on the communist threat, for example after Reichstag fire it portrayed the decree as a necessary step in the battle against communism and it paved the way for the March 1933 election success. The strength of the widely perceived communist threat
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