National Mental Health Study

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Human Service Movement 1 The National Mental Health Act of 1946 The most tangible evidence that citizens' mental health had been elevated to a major priority of federal government came with passage of the National Mental Health Act (NMHA) of 1946. This landmark piece of legislation was inspired in large part by the dismal record of military mental health during World War II, the performance of such agencies as the VA, and vocal demands by veterans and their families for therapeutic services (Harris & Maloney, 2010). Interestingly, clinicians too mounted persistent advocacy efforts on their own behalf, convinced that gains in professional visibility…show more content…
Community Mental Health Centers Acts (1963) A national mental health program to assist in the inauguration of a wholly new emphasis and approach to care for the mentally ill Focus on comprehensive community care We need a new type of health care facility; one which will return mental health care to the mainstream of American medicine, and at the same time upgrade mental health services I recommend, therefore, that the Congress: Authorize grants to the states for the construction of comprehensive community mental health centers Authorize short term project grants for the initial staffing costs (Cutler, Bevilacqua, & McFarland, 2003). The Economic Opportunity Act (1964) The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 served as the initial step in the war on poverty aspect of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program. The objective was to help the…show more content…
This was an attempt to have new careers for the underprivileged and eventually gave this people power and an understanding of their strengths (Harris and Maloney, 2010). References Cutler, D. L., Bevilacqua, J., & McFarland, B. H. (2003). Four decades of community mental health: A symphony in four movements. Community Mental Health Journal,39,(5), 381-398. Dixon, L., & & Goldman, H. (2004). Forty years of evidence-based practices. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 31, (5), 381-392 Harris, H. S., & Maloney, D. C. (2010), Human Services: Contemporary Issues and Trends: MA: Viacom Company John A. Clausen, "Social Science Research in the National Mental Health Program," American Sociological Review 15 (June 1950):404. Menninger, Psychiatry in a Troubled World, 380; Brand, "The National Mental Health Act of 1946," 236-237 National Institute of Mental Health, Almanac,(2009)

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