My First Surprise Party

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I was the one in the picture with the sloppy bun in my hair and the bright red cheeks-the one could not stop smiling. With all my friends and family surrounding me, it was one of the best days of my life. All of us looked happy; it was a night for many smiles. Everyone was crowded around the table. There were a lot of red cheeks in the picture; the room was as hot as a steam table. There was a strong smell of barbeque sauce in the air as well. The picture was taken right after dinner. The table we were crowded around was messy. There were a lot of cups on the table; bottles of ketchup, barbeque sauce, and dirty napkins were piled up. The house was as noisy as the circus when the clowns perform. Some people might be wondering why that day was so important to me. It all started on the afternoon of Feb 16, 2010. It was cool outside, but I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as my friends and I sat on the bench. A lot of the girls and I had gone down to the baseball field to watch the Baseball game. We were sitting on the bench watching the boys win another game; one thing I could not figure out was why everyone kept talking off to the side. I felt as if everyone was leaving me out- only me for some reason. I was already upset because my parents told me they weren’t going to have a birthday party for me this year, and it seemed as if all my friends had their own plans going. Therefore, I didn’t have any plans for my birthday. Finally, I decided to go out to eat with my sisters, my parents, my parents’ friends and my friend Ernesha, but everyone calls her Nene. When the game ended, everyone went their own separate directions. I had to sit with Nene at the Field House for a while until my mom could pick us up. I did not worry about how I looked because I did not think I would see many people I knew in the restaurant. We were sitting outside waiting for my mom.
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