Muscles Lab Essay

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Abstract: Muscles were the prime focus in this lab. The objective was to observe the effects of ions and ATP on a rabbit glycerinated muscle that was sitting in glycerol. The muscle was separated using two dissecting probes and a dissecting microscope. Once the muscles were separated they were subject to three different solutions. The three solutions were, ATP, KCl+MgCl2 and the combination of both. The fibres of muscle were measured before and after the solutions were applied and the contraction was apparent in the fibre the was exposed to ATP+KCl+MgCl2. What can be concluded from the data is that muscle cells require ATP as well as KCl and MgCl2 in order for there to be contraction. Introduction: Muscles are one of the main structures of movement in any animal or human being without the ability natural selection would have definitely weeded us out by now. There are three main types of muscle cells. They are: cardiac muscle which are found in the heart walls and major veins. The second is smooth muscle which are part of visceral walls. The last type is skeletal muscles which are attached to the bones they are also known as striated muscles. In our lab we focused on striated muscles of a rabbit. These muscles consist of smaller fragments, myofibrils which consist of smaller and thicker myofilaments. The thick fragments are made of myosin and the smaller fragments are made of actin. Through the connection between the actin and myosin muscles are able to stretch and contract. The muscles interact in a cycle that begins with the myosin head attached to an actin fragment. The movement cannot happen until a nerve impulse releases magnesium ions which then bind to tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is a blocker protein that which blocks the interaction of actin and myosin. When magnesium binds to this protein it changes the shape of it and allows the reaction to proceed. Once

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