Dissection of Frog

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Dissection Lab Report Introduction A frog belongs to the phylum chordata and is classified as an amphibian. Amphibians live a part of their lives in the water, and the other part of their lives on land. They have a backbone and are cold blooded creatures. Being cold blooded means that the temperature of their blood equals the temperature of the environment they are in. Therefore, frogs have to live in warmer environments. In order to lay their eggs and breed, frogs go back to the water when laying eggs. Frogs breathe through their lungs, skin, and mouth cavity. Most of the oxygen frogs breathe is through diffusion from their moist skin. In a frog’s circulatory system, it consists of a 3 chambered heart where the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is mixed together in the ventricle. The purpose of this lab report is to observe the dissection of not only a frog, but a bird (pigeon), rats, crayfishes and starfishes. This report will discuss the observations of mainly a frog (bullfrog) and comparing these observations to a pigeon. The comparison chart consists of organs, structure, and function, and relationship between the structure and function. Materials * Dissection kit * Ruler * Scalpel * Scissors * Tweezers * Pointers * Pins * Camera * Pen * Notebook * Animal * dissection instruction manual * tray Digestive System Observations Animal’s Major Organs | Structure of Bullfrog | Structure of Pigeon | Function of Organ | Structure and Function Relationship | Liver | -dark in colour- large-wrapped around most organs- soft in texture-squishy | -large-brown/red colour-takes up large amount of space-above pancreas and intestine | -Breaks down toxins and fats-absorbs nutrients | -located where digestive system is to process fats and toxins-coloured is due to blood | Gall Bladder | -pea size- dark colour

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