Mucus Dress Code

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* * Mucus Coat, a Dress Code for Tolerance How does mucus in the gut help the immune system distinguish between commensal and harmful bacteria? Please state the signaling pathway(s) involved. DC are exposed to MUC2 and subdues the response to microbe derived signals Also stimulates production of regulatory t cells, which are determinants for tolerance Exposure to MUC2 increase expression of TGF beta, RA, and IL-10 Stimulate release of molecules toat support DC regulatory function Pathway: glycan moieties (on MUC2) interact with Galactin3 This complex binds with Dectin 1 Causes expression of beta catenin Commensals coated in MUC2 Explain how mucus acts as a physical barrier as well as a molecular barrier to prevent an autoimmune…show more content…
Would you expect someone with a disease such as cystic fibrosis, where the mucus is dehydrated, and thus abnormally hard and viscous, to have a higher incidence or a lower incidence of respiratory allergies, and why? Higher as the antigen is not coated in muc 2 the body recognizes it as forgien and attacks it Altered glycosylation of mucus has been associated with colitis, an inflammatory disease of the colon. Why would changing the glycosylation of mucus lead to an inflammatory response? Refer to the specific pathway. If no glycolisation did not coat commensals in muc 2 inflammatory response would occur the mucus would not coat the cells muc 2 would not interact with dectin ra and beta catetin would not be created and t cells would attack How would changing the glycosylation of mucus affect commensal bacteria? the commensal bacteria will not get glucose and digest food intestinal bacteria microbiota are non self how do commensal microbiota evade immune…show more content…
The gut microbioata, at puberty, develop unique sense of maleness or femaleness and this in turn regulates the level of testosterone. The level of testosterone is then able to regulate the gut microbiota The testosterone prevents b and t cell differentiation regulate the production of b and t cells Less b and t cells mean less likely to attack own self (auto immune response) What is the experimental design scientists used to figure this out? Protection from type 1 diabetes was lost in male mice when made germ free Testosterone increase in females when gut microbiota removed decrease in male This paper talked about the increased susceptibility of females toward autoimmune disease compared to males. Why would males have lower susceptibility to autoimmune

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