Mother-Daughter Conflicts Essay

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Mother-daughter conflicts At some point of their lives, most people have to migrate to different countries because there is a need for a better life. In Amy Tan’s short story Two Kinds, written in 1989, and in Gish Jen’s short story Who’s Irish?, written in 1999, the reader learns about the conflicts that arise as a person migrates and tries to assimilate to a different culture. Amy Tan is known for incorporating the mother-daughter dyad in her short stories. Both short stories, Who’s Irish? and Two Kinds, are about mother-daughter conflicts and the cultural barrier, due to Chinese immigrant mothers and American born daughters, that stands between them. Though these two stories share some similarities, they both offer a different conflict resolution; Two Kinds resolves the conflict and in Who’s Irish? the conflict stays the same. In Who’s Irish, the narrator is a fierce, sixty-eight year old Chinese immigrant. Even though she views America in a positive way, she still keeps her Asian manners and finds it hard to accept the American way of parenting children. She is very critical of other cultures, such as her daughter’s husband, John, and his Irish family. She also critiques the way her daughter Natalie raises her child, Sophie. On her time spent with Sophie, she decides to implement her own ways of parenting. She spanks Sophie as she tries to discipline her, and by the end of the story when Natalie and John find out, they ask her to move out of the house and her contact with Sophie is forbidden. In Two Kinds, the narrator Jing-mei is a young first generation American with a Chinese background. Her mother has a very utopian and positive view of America. She wants what is best for her daughter. Jing-mei resists her mother’s desire to make her a musical prodigy. Jing- mei is forced by her mother to take piano lessons and later perform at a recital. The

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