Most Important Virtues

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The Most Important Virtues It is said that generations today are different from generations from back in the day. The opposed reason for this is that people have different virtues from the older generations. The three most regarded virtues are silence, kindness and justice. Silence one of the most regarded virtues since it deals with communication such as it is important to stay silent about controller or situations. Also it’s important to stay silent in communications sometimes. When you need to talk to somebody and they are talking to someone else its important not to interrupt, doing this will make people socially happy. Silence helps people happy socially as does the virtue of kindness. The virtue of kindness is important to the characteristics of someone. Kindness is important to somebody or everybody as it can make a difference. Kindness can make a difference to one person, a family, a town or the world. The example of war is what proves that everyone does not have this virtue as we struggle to find peace. As with the example of the importance of kindness with war, this brings this to the virtue of Justice. Justice is an important virtue since it teaches a person from what’s right or wrong. Such as it right to give someone their wallet if they had drop it but wrong to keep for yourself. Also it’s an important characteristic to take responsibility for your actions. If you caused somebody a bill for an injury you cause you should pay for that hospital bill. Justice also is a virtue for fair consequence for all people. These are the most regarded virtues since they help shape society. When it f comes to keeping a quiet to certain situations when you should be nice to others to form peace or when taking responsibilities for your actions. They are important for generations to know but we don’t have the same
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