Moses Maimonides Essay

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------------------------------------------------- Moses Maimonides Question 5 – Judaism (20 Marks) ‘Men, women and schools of thought have reformed and/or revitalised the Jewish tradition’ How well does this statement reflect the impact on Judaism of ONE significant person or school of thought, other than Abraham or Moses? (800-1000 words) Moses Maimonides is generally recoginsed as the greatest of the medieval Jewish philosophers. Maimonides was the author of ten medical works but gained fame in his own lifetime from his work on Jewish law (Halakhah). He influenced and revitalized Jewish Law. Maimonides contribution to Judaism is seen through the several of writings which have provided further explanation and confirmation of the complex Judaic laws and requirements. The thirteen articles of faith and the guide for the perplexed and the commentary on the Mishnah, have the most important literary requirements to a depth study of Judaism and its core beliefs. Maimonides writings not only made simple, the beliefs of Judaism. However, many early rabbis have condemned the writing of Maimonides as it seemed to ‘summarise’ the true word of god and excluded the long rabbinic discussions which arise in the Mishnah Torah. The 13 articles of faith are creed- like statements which make clear the core beliefs of Judaism. This move undertaken by Maimonides challenged the nature of writing which contribute to the Judaic tradition. The thirteen articles of faith highlighted a move from complex writings to a more clear and concise form. The following article illustrates the nature of the writing which has contributed to the education of Jewish adherents. “I believe with perfect faith that god is the creator and ruler of all things. He alone has made, does make, and will make all things”. The short term impact of the articles of faith is that it allowed isolated and
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