Morning Song Essay

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In my opinion Morning Song by Sylvia Plath is a unique and compilcated description of childbirth and the challenge that is motherhood. The poem begins with Plath metaphorically referring to her new born child as a “fat gold watch” .Personally this illustrates the poets opinion of her child as something mechanical and industrious.A comparison that is not warm or animated, which is how newborns are usually described.She continues on to describe how the child now challenges her and her partners security with its innocence and vulnerability.”In a drafty museum,your nakedness shadows our safety”.I also think that in this line the poet uses “drafty museum” as a metaphor for the world in which the child now resides.A world devoid of homeliness and warmth. However in the second half of the poem the poet seems to have grown fonder of the child.Finding comfort in its “moth breath”. She now seems devoted to the childs needs “stumbling from bed” to tend to it.But I also feel that her feeling of duty to provide for the baby has somewhat abolished her individuality and partially her identity.She describes herself as wearing a “victorian nightgown”. Which in my opinion is a metaphor for the dull and conventional life she now leads.Then in the last stanza Plath seems to gain a greater self assurance regarding motherhood.She is able,eventually,to appreciate the innocence of her child. All in all,I think the poem “Morning Song” is Plaths way of warning prospective parents,especially mothers,that parenthood isn’t necessarily the fairytale it’s made out to be.A warning,I believe,that was effectively and comprehendably
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