Module 5child Growth And Development: Ages And Stages

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module 5Child Growth & Development: Ages and Stages Module 1 Assessment Handout Diversity in the Classroom Children start developing their attitudes about others and themselves by the age of two. Providers and teachers can have a powerful positive influence on those attitudes. In your activities and classroom you should provide multicultural, non-stereotyping materials and activities that will: * Support each child’s sense of self and family * Teach children to accept and appreciate differences and similarities between people, and * Help children understand beliefs and customs different from their own. Not all materials produced for children are appropriate. Be especially careful with materials that are more than ten years old. Throw out negatively stereotyped images and stories. Look for materials that correctly and appropriately portray diversity to expand children’s understanding. There are many types of learning materials that can help increase children’s awareness of other people and to be more comfortable with their own heritage. Does Your Program Have: None | Some |…show more content…
I will say something in Spanish like what is water or who wants water in Spanish and they will raise their hands. Which not all of the kids understand Spanish so I will do basic for them; we also have been working on sign language with the students. We have taught them bathroom, water, milk, more, yes, no and please. And we now have some kids that will just ask to use the bathroom in sign language because they hate having to ask in front of others. Like I have one girl who will just get our attention and give the sign for bathroom and we will get two others to go with us to take her to the restroom. We even had one parent ask us to teach them more sign language and Spanish because they are now using it at

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