Minority And Dominant Groups

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Minority and Dominant Groups Minority and dominant groups do affect the confidence and behaviors of an individual. A minority group consists of individuals who are singled out because of unequal treatment; they consider themselves as objects of shared discrimination. Dominant groups are the groups with more power, privilege, and social status. Unfortunately we only have so much control of which group we belong to. Both minority and dominant groups hold their own characteristics and ways in which they became a part of either group; not surprisingly, depending on which class and individual belongs to, their whole life can change. Individuals who belong to a minority group are singled out for unequal treatment by members of dominant groups. Minorities worldwide share similar characteristics. Minorities’ cultural and physical traits are held with low respect by the dominating groups, who treat them unjustly. For instance, often times just because a younge boy is a darker skin toned Mexican, a Caucasian boy might ask, “So do your parents sell oranges for a living?” Most often, this causes individuals to marry within their own minority or dominant group. The more individuals are exposed to discrimination; they tend to build a sense of identity among minorities. This creates a feeling of “we-ness.” In often occurrences, a sense of common destiny appears. People in dominant groups poses greater power, privilege, and social status. Like the minority groups, dominant groups share cultural and physical traits. They usually poses more political power and use this and their other shared characteristics to discriminate against those with different and supposedly inferior traits. The dominant groups consider its elite position and privileges as the result of its own inborn superiority. There a two ways in which a group becomes a minority. The first way

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