Militarism In Japan (1919 - 1937)

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The impact of militarism on Japanese society in the period 1919 - 1937 Modern history essay There are several factors which contribute to the impact of militarism on Japanese society during said period. The Army and Navy had virtually unlimited freedom in terms of what the could do during this period. And their actions reflected the remarkable irrational and undemocratic character of the military. The Japanese military rule, led the entire country into a war that could not be won, and pushed it to the point of national destruction. During the period of the Meiji, the military was placed under the authority of the council of state, making it so that there was no separation of military and civil affairs. Japan's political journey from its quasi-democratic government in the 1920's to its radical nationalism of the mid 1930's, the collapse of democratic institutions, and the eventual military state was not an overnight transformation. There was no coup, no march on Rome, no storming of the Bastille. Instead, it was a political journey that allowed a semi-democratic nation to transform itself into a military dictatorship. The forces that aided in this transformation were the failed promises of the Meiji Restoration that were represented in the stagnation of the Japanese economy, the perceived capitulation of the Japanese parliamentary leaders to the western powers, a compliant public, and an independent military. The ground work for Japanese militarism was a compliant Japanese public. This pliant public was created through a variety of factors. Beginning in the 1890's the public education system indoctrinated students in the ideas of nationalism, loyalty to the emperor and traditionalist ideas of self-sacrifice and obedience. Thus ideas that were originally propagated to mobilize support for the Meiji government were easily

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