Mentally Ill Offenders Case Study

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Mentally Ill Offenders/Problem-solving courts The Released: what did we learn from this film? What is the prevalence of serious mental illness in jails/prisons? What difficulties can mentally ill offenders face when released from prison? What are problem-solving courts? How do they differ from regular courts and what benefits might they offer? Female offenders General overview of female offenders in the CJS: Percentages in CJS/ typical characteristics, backgrounds/ typical offense types What special issues/needs might female offenders have as compared to male offenders? How might it be best to work with and treat female offenders? Is parole in CA meeting the needs of female offenders? What deficiencies might exist? Healing Neen: What are key…show more content…
What are the ingredients of effective programming? How effective can programs be when run well? RNR: what does this refer to and why is it important? Intermediate Sanctions: What are intermediate sanctions? Examples? What can they offer? What is ‘net-widening’? Why might this be a problem? Community Residential Centers (CRCs)/Halfway Homes What are these and what benefits can they provide? What difficulties are faced by these facilities? Day Reporting Centers (DRCs) How does Fresno’s DRC work? What does it involve? ISPs What are ISPs and how effective are they according to research? Does ‘treatment’ make a difference? What else might make a difference to outcomes? A Hard Straight What happens to the three parolees through the course of the film? What changes might realignment have made to these individuals’ experiences of the CJS and reentry? Electronic Monitoring (EM): (Guest lecturer, Dr. Marietta Martinovic) What is the difference between GPS and RF types of EM? How effective are these tools? What does the research say? What benefits have been identified? What concerns have been raised about

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