How Does Discrimination Affect People with Mental Illness?

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How does discrimination affect people with mental illness? Parle S (2012) How does discrimination affect people with mental illness? Nursing Times; 108: 28, 12-14. People with mental health problems experience many different types of stigma. This article explores the attitudes and beliefs of the general public towards people with mental illness, and the lived experiences and feelings of service users and their relatives. Keywords: Mental health/Mental illness/Stigma/Discrimination * This article has been double-blind peer reviewed 5 key points 1. Stigma can affect many aspects of people’s lives 2. Self-stigma is the process in which people turn stereotypes towards themselves 3. How the general public perceive people with mental health problems depends on their diagnosis 4. Stigma can be a barrier to seeking early treatment, cause relapse and hinder recovery 5. Future research should investigate the experiences of service users and their families to understand and measure the impact of stigma Stigma can pervade the lives of people with mental health problems in many different ways. According to Corrigan (2004), it “diminishes self-esteem and robs people of social opportunities”. This can include being denied opportunities such as employment or accommodation because of their illness. Stigma in the form of social distancing has been observed when people are unwilling to associate with a person with mental illness. This might include not allowing the person to provide childcare, or declining the offer of a date (Corrigan et al, 2001). Self-discrimination or internalised discrimination is the process in which people with mental health problems turn the stereotypes about mental illness adopted by the public, towards themselves. They assume they will be rejected socially and so believe they are not valued (Livingston and Boyd,
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