Memory and Cognition Lab Report

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RUNNING HEAD: KREY Memory: Commonality of Association Stephanie Krey St. Catharine College Abstract An experiment was conducted to test memory using high and low commonality with word association. There were twelve participants for this experiment: 10 females, 2 males: ranging from eighteen to fifty eight years of age. This experiment used a two by three mixed factorial design for experiment and a two by three ANOVA factorial design for the results. The participants were informed of their task of after being read the list of thirteen stimulus words and their thirteen responses; they were to respond with what they remember the response to the stimulus to be. The results concluded that the high commonality association had more meaningfulness in regards to memory than did the low commonality association words. The low commonality list took more trial so learn the same quantity of words, than did the high commonality because of the high commonality because of the meaningfulness of the association between the stimulus word and the desired response. The results also depict the low commonality word association took more trials to learn more of the correct response to the given stimuli, where the high commonality list had the ceiling affect after the first of second trial. The three hypothesis we began the experiment with are: hypothesis 1- high commonality list will have more correct response on average than the low commonality list; hypothesis 2- As the trials increase participants will have greater average of correct responses; hypothesis 3- the high commonality list will have a greater increase per trial of average correct responses. . Now that we have found that meaningful material is learned faster, so when you are doing education or when working with people who have Alzheimer’s, the implication is they remain to have the ability to remember things that have
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