Memories Of Underdevelopment

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“Memories of Underdevelopment” This movie is hailed as one of the greatest movies to ever be produced during the early years of Castro’s revolution. Director Tomás Gutiérrez Alea composed the film with the idea of subjectivity on the revolution in Cuba. However, when the movie came out some saw it as a direct criticism. The film opens up with the main character; Sergio, watching his wife and his parents leave Cuba in wake of “The Bay of Pigs” invasion. “The Bay of Pigs” was given to the name of the invasion of southern Cuba in April of 1961, just three months after the election of President John F. Kennedy in America. America was confident that the information gathered from Cuban exiles was enough for them to embark on an invasion of the southern part of the island country in order to overthrow the Cuban government. The event lasted only three days, as the attack was almost immediately thwarted by the Cuban military (whom had gotten their weapons and reinforcements from the Euro- Bloc countries). This event caused a lot of controversy in the world and some embarrassment to the Kennedy administration. The Aftermath of “The Bay of Pigs” wasn’t too gruesome compared to other critical points in the history of the twentieth century, although it was a turning point in the Cuban Revolution. The Cuban government strengthened its grip on the nation, putting all of the radio broadcasts under government control and decided to weed out certain individuals that were to be exiled from the nation (Roman Catholic priests etc.). Another historical theme of the film that ran parallel to “The Bay of Pigs” was the references to the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’. In the beginning of the movie, Sergio seems to have a good life and a lot going for him; He doesn't work because he receives income from the apartment building he owns. Later, however, Sergio's life starts going downhill with the
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