Who Were the Major Players in the Spanish Civil War and How Did They Affect Its Course and Outcome?

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Who were the major players in the Spanish Civil War and how did they affect its course and outcome? For the first time in Spain’s history, 1931 marked the year that changed the country into an orderly democratic republic. The exile of King Alfonso XIII in 1931 because of the loss in support from the Spanish people only highlighted that the monarchy was doomed. Therefore, the Second Spanish Republic ruled from 1931 until 1937 and was under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera whose main aims was to modernize Spain through liberal, democratic means. Although, the development of change already faced opposition from right-winged supporters, including rich landowners who feared social changes that the Republic would try to implement. Under Generals Sanjurjo, Franco and Mola, the Spanish Civil War began as a military coup, which was aimed to put an end to the democratic political change that was seen in 1931. As seen in Italy with Mussolini in 1922 and with Hitler in Germany in 1933, one could argue that the rise of fascism subsequently kick started the demand of a takeover in Spain. But, we have to bear in mind the bad timing of 1931 to implement such a change, with the worldwide economic crisis caused by the 1929 Wall Street Crash in America, and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, there was now fear throughout Europe of communism and revolution. Although at the beginning of the rebellion, the three main generals were not actually all in Spain. Sanjurjo was in Portugal, but was killed en route back to Spain in a plane crash before any major military action occurred. At the same time, even though Mola had raised 6,000 troops in Pamplona in eastern Spain, he still needed Franco's Army of Africa, which was stationed in Spanish Morocco. The Army of Africa was Spain's most sufficient military fighting force, but because the Spanish Navy had remained loyal to the
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