Melting Points Lab

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Melting Points Lab Abstract: One of the physical properties most relied upon for compound identification is a compound’s melting point. This experiment gives the student an opportunity to explore how compounds can be identified with this physical indicator. The experiment uses two compounds, tetracosane (C24H50) and 1-tetradecanol (C14H30O). The experiment confirms through melting points that the compound with more carbons and no branches (C24H50) has a higher melting point than 1-tetradecanol. Hypothesis: Using melting points can help determine the difference in total carbon atoms and branches between two or more compounds. Materials List: 1 Spoon 1 Paper towels 3 Small rubber bands 2 Clean sheets of paper 1 Beaker, 100 mL, glass 1 Burner-fuel 1 Burner-stand 1 Goggles-Safety 1 Magnifier, dual 1 Thermometer-in-cardboard-tube 1 Capillary tubes-3/pack 1 Tetracosane Crystals - 0.2 g in Vial 1 Tetradecanol Crystals - 0.2 g in Vial Procedures: Prior to beginning the lab exercise, read the instructions carefully. Begin by setting up a derivative melting point table to collect the data accumulated during the exercise. This lab uses heated water so be sure to follow safety procedures carefully. While conducting this laboratory experiment, be sure to use minimal amounts of each substance in order to create the habit of using only the amount necessary. This is a good habit to form so that product is not wasted and reduces the amount of product to dispose. Follow the steps below: 1. Pour 50 to 75 mL of water into a glass beaker and allow it to come to room temperature. 2. Pour the tetracosane crystals onto a clean sheet of paper and crush them into a fine powder with the back of a spoon. 3. Place a small amount of the tetracosane crystals into the open end of a glass capillary tube, but be very careful to not break the thin tube--

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