Mediocre Macbeth Essay About Fear

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Fear is an emotion deeply rooted within the human conscience. Based on the circumstances it can cause others to act unjustly. The tragic hero, or deterioration of a character is a common theme throughout literature. In Macbeth, this is no acception, as fear consumes Macbeth and influences his immoral actions. Clearly Macbeth is a play around fear as oppose to ambition since Macbeth’s actions are driven by his fear of rejection of his wife, loss of power, and betrayal. When people are rejected it can cause them to be very self-cautious and cause them to think about things such as their character, and whether or not they can be appreciated or loved (Amodeo). When Macbeth's masculinity is put into question, he is influenced to rethink his self-worth. Lady Macbeth challenges the masculinity of Macbeth and says to him “When you durst do it, then you were a man; | And, to be more than what you were, you would | Be so much more the man” (I.xii.49-51). Macbeth believes that killing the King while he sleeps is a cowardice action to commit, however Lady Macbeth convinces him that by killing Duncan and receiving kingship, he will be more of a man. This also makes him afraid to know what he would be in her eyes if he does not kill Duncan. Also, Macbeth demonstrates the thought of him being unlovable when Lady Macbeth “taunts him with faithlessness” (Bealey). After Macbeth tells his wife that he cannot kill Duncan, she tries to guilt him in by saying “I have given suck, and know | How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: | I would, while it was smiling in my face, | Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, | And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn | As you Have done to this” (I.xii.54-58). Macbeth’s love is put to the test here, as Lady Macbeth says she would kill her baby had she promised him out of love, whereas Macbeth cannot bring himself to kill Duncan

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