Gender Theory in Macbeth

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The Separation from Marriage: A Hero’s Choice Marriage is an integral part of the play. The two most notable are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and Macduff and Lady Macduff. Superficially, Macbeth and “his dearest love” (1.5.57) Lady Macbeth have the strong marriage as they listen and care for one another. As the downfall of the marriage is pinned on Lady Macbeth and Macduff is free to be his own man. Macduff abandons Lady Macduff eventually leading to her death portraying a weak image of marriage that looks as a foil to the strong marriage of the Macbeth. However, both marriages end up failing; yet separation from the wives, respectively, could save/ saves the husbands. Listening and staying with Lady Macbeth started the inevitable downfall of Macbeth, but separation could have led to a prosperous, powerful life for Macbeth. Immediate separation from Lady Macduff allows Macduff to kill Macbeth. Therefore, I would argue that in Macbeth, William Shakespeare’s denouncement of marriage suggests women hinder the true, righteous nature of men; consequently, showing the inferior nature of women. Free from the touch of women both Macbeth and Macduff are worthy warriors (the ideal man). Macbeth at war, unhindered by Lady Macbeth, is “brave Macbeth” (1.2.16) reflecting his manliest form possible. However, Macbeth’s manliness comes into question the first time from Lady Macbeth as she “fear[s] [the] nature” (1.5. 15) of Macbeth in regard to his ambition to become king. Suddenly, the interjection of Lady Macbeth, a woman, causes Macbeth to be shown as less of a man. As the attachment to Lady Macbeth is continuous, so is the deterioration of Macbeth. The presence of a woman unnaturally deforms the image of man. Not only does the presence of a woman, Lady Macbeth, cause Macbeth to look like less of a man, it causes Macbeth to make poor decisions. Lady Macbeth convincing
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