Media's Views on Gender Roles

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In most cases, media continues to present both women and men in stereotyped ways that limit our perceptions of human capabilities. Typically men are portrayed as active, smart, adventurous, powerful, sexually aggressive and largely uninvolved in human relationships. Women are depicted as sex objects who are usually young, thin, beautiful, passive, dependent, and all too often incompetent and dumb. Female characters spend most of their time improving their appearances and taking care of their homes and family or struggling to find the “perfect” relationship. The way media presents men and women may distort how we see ourselves and what we perceive as normal and desirable. Typically the things a person learns come from an outside influence such as another person or implanted thought such as a movie, TV show, music, or something they read. With the media being such a prevalent influence in American society, people are extremely likely to pick up on the lifestyle depictions presented in the media they watch. These images shape thoughts and imagination regarding their own lifestyle and opinions. This can be detrimental to long term successful self-image. The media often fails to accurately portray reality. With acknowledgment and society pushing back against stereotypes, there is improvement. Shows like Modern Family expose family roles and this year’s Sports Illustrated will even feature a bikini model who wears a double digit. I try not to let the media influence me. For example; I do household chores that typically are portrayed as a woman’s responsibility like doing the dishes, laundry, and vacuuming. Honestly, I never saw my step dad do any of those things. Doing household chores doesn’t make me any less of a man, just more
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