Measure Of Rome Essay

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Roman Measure of Evaluation 1. In Republican Rome, patricians were the land-owning aristocrats who were priests, magistrates, lawyers and judges, whereas plebeians were the poorer class who were craftspeople, merchants, and laborers. The patricians made up the Senate, which was the political assembly responsible for creating law and the plebeians made a legislative assembly called the Council of Plebeians to protect themselves from the Senate. Each plebeian chose a patrician as his patronage to represent the plebeian in law and assist them with matters, primarily economic. 2. Caesar assumed dictatorial control over Rome by bringing all of Gaul under his control then defeating Pompey. Caesar treated the Senate with disregard and in turn 60 senators stabbed him 23 times on March 15, 44 BCE, the Ides of March. 3. Cicero’s concept of Roman argument differs from Plato’s Socratic dialogue because his is purposefully deliberative in character, where the primary objective is to give wise advice, where Plato’s dialogue only provokes that advice. 4. The significance of the portrait head titled A Roman Man is that the age of this Roman is portrayed realistically with every wrinkle and receding hairline. It does not assume the…show more content…
The medium consists of brick, stone, cement, lime, sand, water, rubble, wood, and volcanic ash. It is in a giant oval shape, also known as ogival, which was 615 long, 510 feet wide, and 159 feet wide. The arena could accommodate 50,000 people and they could enter through any of the 76 vaulted arcades. The arena had a wooden floor where the gladiators, athletes, and wild animals would entertain the audience. The 4 stories of the Colosseum each have a different level of architectural order. The first has the Tuscan order, the second has the Ionic, and the Corinthian on the third. All the columns were engaged, which means they are purely

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